Commercial Docking Systems

Our commercial docks are designed to withstand the forces of nature with innovative features that reduce maintenance time and effort. Our double laminated frame, trap doors for easy access to mooring lines, cross bracing at critical stress points as well as cleats with backer plates bolted to the frame all add up to more value for less cost.

Projects Include:

  1. Shelburne Marina

  2. Red head Harbour Marina

  3. Kinap Boat Club

  4. Lake Milo Boys and Girls Club

  5. Hurricane Juan survivor in the North West Arm

  6. Guysbrough Waterfront Development

For more information about available hardware and dimensions please visit our Hardware page.

Contact Us for more information and find out how we can design and build you a commercial docking system to enhance your business.

Docking SystemsFloating_Docks.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0
Wave BreaksWave_Break.htmlshapeimage_5_link_0
Pontoon BargesPontoon_Barge.htmlshapeimage_6_link_0
Dock RampsDock_Ramps.htmlshapeimage_7_link_0

Guysbrough Waterfront Development Before

Guysbrough Waterfront Development After

Kinap Athletic Club